A Guide To AC Installation — Everything You Need To Know

Air conditioning is a must-have in today's world. And when it comes to AC installation, it’s crucial to have a proper understanding of what exactly you’re getting into. The right unit size, type, and installation can make a significant impact both on your wallet and your comfort.

Pick the Right AC Type:

The first step in getting a new AC installation is picking the right type. There are three main types of AC systems: window units, central AC, and ductless mini-splits. Window units are best for small rooms or apartments. Central AC is the most commonly installed system and is the ideal choice for medium-sized homes with existing ductwork. Ductless mini-splits are an ideal choice for homes without any existing ductwork. By picking the right AC type, you ensure maximum cooling efficiency for your home.

Size Matters:

Bigger doesn’t always mean better when it comes to air conditioning. It’s essential to get the right size AC according to your home's square footage and needs. A too-small AC will struggle to cool the home and will wear out and break down eventually. On the other hand, an oversized system will cause short cycling, which would decrease energy efficiency and may also cause extra wear and tear on the system. Always consult with an HVAC expert to calculate the precise AC size needed for your home.

Location Is Key:

Where you install your AC is also an essential consideration. You must place your AC where it operates efficiently with minimal interference. If possible, place the AC system in a shaded area. If it’s a central AC, the system should be installed on the north or east side of your house, where it will receive less direct sunlight. Window units should be installed in a directly shaded area, preferably on the north-facing side.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional:

It’s tempting to try and save money by doing DIY AC installation. But, unless you have the proper experience, this can cause damage and even pose a safety hazard. It’s better to invest in a professional HVAC service to ensure that your new AC installation is performed correctly. 

Getting a new AC installation should be an informed decision. With this guide, you’re now well aware of the top factors that impact your AC installation. It’s always a good idea to hire a professional to assess your home, offer advice, and carry out expert installations. 

Contact a professional to learn more about AC installation
