Adding a Stone Slab Walkway and an Ornamental Grass Border to Your Property

A stone slab walkway and an ornamental grass border are two landscaping additions that will make your jacuzzi more accessible and create a natural setting that will add privacy and dimension to your property. If you are hiring a landscaping contractor to perform the upgrades, seek a landscaping material delivery service that supplies the materials needed for each project.              

A Stone Slab Walkway

If the patio that contains the water feature is located several yards from your home, having a stone slab walkway to rely upon when crossing your property will prevent grass or dirt from getting on your wet feet and will protect you from stepping on anything sharp that has fallen from a tree or a shrub that is nearby. Gray slate stones, concrete pavers, faux marble manufactured stones, or materials that contain a glossy surface will impact your walkway and allow you to design one that is modern or classic in style.

A walkway can form a straight path between a series of trees and shrubbery or can be intertwined around other landscaping features, which will give you an up-close view of your property's beauty, whenever heading to or from the jacuzzi.

Acquire a list of stone materials that a landscape company provides and inquire about the measurements so that the finished walkway will be large enough to cover the tract of land that you have in mind. A finished walkway can be highlighted with the addition of stake lighting or a trellis that has living vines and plants growing up it.

An Ornamental Grass Border

You may plan on using your jacuzzi during the day and night or may be interested in setting up your patio for sunbathing sessions or informal parties. An ornamental grass border will resemble the grass varieties that you see along beaches, plus the grass varieties will add some privacy to your property since many ornamental grass types grow thickly and to a rather tall height. Choose some varieties that can withstand the weather conditions for the area you reside in and that requires full sunlight.

Choose river rocks, small pebbles, mulch, or gravel, as a material that can be used to surround the base of each clump of grass. If a landscape material delivery company provides a dropoff and pick up service, any old landscaping materials that you are disposing of may be hauled away. Check with your contractor to find out more details about how the service works. 
